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💖Kawaii aesthetics

Ngai, N. (2023). Sugar and Spice (and Everything Nice?): Japan’s Ambition Behind Lolita’s Kawaii Aesthetics. Media, Culture & Society 45(3):545-560. 

🎖️Honorable Mention for the 2024 Timothy Shary Award for Best Essay in Children’s and Youth Media Studies at the Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS)

The selection committee reported, “Ngai’s essay offers a thoughtful examination of how Lolita fashion is created, promoted, and circulated within Japanese culture. It skillfully applies a transnational framework to Lolita marketing, which provides welcome insights into youth cultural production and consumption in a non-US context. Furthermore, her study affirms fashion as a medium in its own right where cultural scripts and ideologies are (re)produced, negotiated, and contested. Her close attention to whiteness, in particular, underscores a larger globalized tension and political struggle between Japanese culture and Western culture more broadly that shapes the consumption of postfeminist media culture in a manner that transcends received understandings.” 

🍹America's Sweetheart

Ngai, N. (2023). The Temptation of Performing Cuteness: Shirley Temple’s Birthday Parties during the Great Depression. Feminist Media Studies 23(7):3091-3105. 

🎖️Winner of the 2022 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Entertainment Studies Interest Group Top Student Paper Award and Anne Cooper-Chen Research Award

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(Picture by Natalie Ngai)

😻pet celebrities

Ngai, N. (2023). Homemade Pet Celebrities: The Everyday Experience of Micro-celebrity in Promoting the Self and Others. Celebrity Studies 14(4):437-454. 

🎖️Winner of the 2022 Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) Fan and Audiences Studies Graduate Student Paper Award

🇭🇰Hong Kong women

Ngai, N. (2022). Women Under Authoritarianism: Precarious, Glamorous Women Politicians in Hong Kong Political News and Gossip. International Journal of Communication 16(2022):3215-3232. 

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Ngai, T.L. (2021). The Mother of a Famous Child: The Media Representation of Shirley Temple’s “Mother” in Hollywood, 1934–1940. In: S. Liddy and A. O’Brien (eds.), Media Work, Mothers and Motherhood, pp.63-76. London: Routledge. 

🎖️Winner of the 2022 British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies (BAFTSS) Best Essay by a Doctoral Student Award.

The jury's comment: "A detailed and knowledgable approach to the study of Shirley Temple, this essay makes a valuable contribution to the fields of motherhood and star studies. It is a unique piece of work within the crowded field of star studies in the classical Hollywood period, drawing from both newspapers and fan magazines, as well as biographical materials." 

review articles

Ngai, N. (2024). Book review: Andrea McDonnell, Celebrity Rhetoric and Sexual Misconduct Cases: Discursive Self-Cleaving. Discourse & Society.

Ngai, T.L. (2020). Cuteness is Everywhere. Cultural Studies. September 2020.


Ngai, T.L. (2020). Why Does Cuteness Matter? A Review of The Power of Cute. Critical Studies in Media Communication 37(3):270-272.

"Cuteness does matter. It carries important social and ideological consequences."